4 Beauty Products We’re Using Completely Wrong

This has probably happened to you: some over-the-top beauty product made your skin look like the Sahara desert, and a face mask called “moisturizer” left it even drier than before. But that doesn’t mean you have to get rid of every beauty product you own. Maybe all you have to do is change the way you use some of the products.

Herewere is excited to talk about the most popular beauty mistakes you might be making.

1. You use wipes to remove makeup every day.

8 Beauty Products We’re Using Completely Wrong

Is there anything more convenient? You take off your makeup and forget about it. But you can’t use wipes all the time: they don’t clean the skin well. More than that, they are made of a rough material that causes irritation and dries and stretches the skin. You should only use them when you don’t have access to water and a good cleaner. But for daily care, you need to use special foaming cleansers and gels.

2. You think that serums can be used on their own.

8 Beauty Products We’re Using Completely Wrong

Serums should be applied before using a moisturizer. And it is better to do it at night, especially if the serum contains retinol. This will allow the skin to fully absorb the necessary nutrients. A face mask will make it even more effective. In summer, products rich in retinol can only be used in conjunction with sunscreen, as they make the skin very sensitive to sunlight, which can lead to sunburn.

3. You use dry sponges after putting the foundation on.

8 Beauty Products We’re Using Completely Wrong

Most sponges, especially the popular beauty blenders, need to be damp. When they’re dry, they “eat” a lot of beauty products and don’t distribute them evenly.

4. You don’t know the difference between concealer and corrector.

8 Beauty Products We’re Using Completely Wrong

Many of us confuse these 2 beauty products, so let’s be clear: concealer should only be used around the eyes, and concealer is meant to hide skin defects on the face.

There are small nuances that you should know when using any of them. When using a concealer, you must moisturize your skin in advance. Concealer should be applied with massage movements — this way it will look more natural on the face.

5. You keep a mask on overnight or remove it only after it dries completely.

8 Beauty Products We’re Using Completely Wrong

Each type of face mask must be used according to the instructions. Do not leave the mask on the face overnight, unless the manufacturer indicates; this can cause serious skin problems.

Cloth face masks must be removed before they dry: otherwise, the mask will begin to draw moisture from the skin, making it dry. The same goes for clay masks – they need to be applied in a thick layer so that moisture evaporates more slowly. Remove them while they are still sticky.

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