6 Healthy Properties of Coffee Proven by Science

There have been a lot of controversial rumors lately about our beloved morning drink. But you’ll probably agree that there’s nothing better than taking a scientific approach to resolving disputes like this.

Scientists claim that drinking coffee in moderation is not only harmless but can also have a positive influence on health. For example, coffee lovers tend to look younger than their peers and are less exposed to certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.

HereWere wants to share with you a list of the health benefits of coffee that could tip the scales for those who prefer to drink it regularly.

1. It reduces the risk of liver cirrhosis.

Scientists at the Mario Negri Institute in Italy found that coffee consumption can reduce the risk of developing liver cirrhosis.

2. It positively affects the cardiovascular system.

7 Healthy Properties of Coffee Proven by Science

Another widespread misconception about coffee has to do with its impact on the cardiovascular system. In fact, several studies conducted by scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health, the National University of Singapore, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital have shown that people who drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day are less likely to suffer from a condition. cardiac. or stroke.

3. It reduces the development of gallstones.

Some substances found in coffee, such as caffeine, may reduce the risk of developing gallstones. Scott Gottlieb found that the risk of developing this disease can be reduced by 4% if you drink 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day and by 45% if you drink 4 to 5 cups.

4. It lowers your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Scientists from Aarhus University, Aarhus University Hospital, and Odense University Hospital have shown that drinking coffee does not affect the development of type 2 diabetes. Cafestol, which is an ingredient in coffee, actually increases the level of insulin in the pancreas when insulin is exposed to the influence of glucose. And insulin sensitivity improved by 42%.

5. It rejuvenates every cell in your body.

7 Healthy Properties of Coffee Proven by Science

The antioxidants contained in coffee have a rejuvenating impact on your body’s cells. Scientists at the Department of Food Science and Technology at Seoul Women’s University claim that ground coffee extract can help prevent UVB-induced photoaging. This means you can get fewer wrinkles by applying used coffee grounds to your skin.

Preview photo credit Depositphotos.com

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