5 Tips to Lose Weight Fast, Even If You’re a True Lazybones

How many times do we start by saying we’re going on a diet “next Monday” or just before an important event? And we always drop the idea because we are not willing to put in too much effort. But our steps are not so big that they seem impossible: we believe that you can reach your goal with small but effective steps.

So how can we lose weight by following a few simple rules and changing our lives little by little? Let’s find out!

5. Use umami.

11 Tips to Lose Weight Fast, Even If You’re a True Lazybones

Cooks distinguish between 5 tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami.

Umami is the mild flavor found in soy sauce, broccoli, mushrooms, and nuts. It is said to have some influence on the receptors in our brain and help us feel full faster. Add a little soy sauce to your dishes, but do not forget that it contains a lot of salt, so do not overdo it.

4. Add spices.

11 Tips to Lose Weight Fast, Even If You’re a True Lazybones

Some spices have a positive impact on our metabolism. Cinnamon, turmeric, red pepper, and ginger are the most popular.

If you reduce the amount of salt you eat and add a little spice to your diet, you can speed up your metabolism. In addition, spices have other useful features:

  • Cinnamon lowers blood sugar.
  • Ginger improves the skin and has a great influence on our digestion.
  • Red pepper improves the work of blood vessels and reduces water retention.
  • Turmeric reduces inflammation and improves the work of the gallbladder.

3. Drink cold water.

11 Tips to Lose Weight Fast, Even If You’re a True Lazybones

It is said that the taste of water depends on its temperature. It’s true: most people don’t like to drink warm water, but they would love to drink it over ice. If there are no contraindications, drink cold water. This will make your body burn more calories to heat it up for better absorption.

Unfortunately, this activity is not so hard on your body (you will lose 8-15 calories if you drink a glass of water), but add it up and the total amount of calories lost for the day will be quite significant.

There is even the so-called “ice diet” which suggests eating cold foods so your body has to heat them up and burn more calories.

2. Fool your eyes.

11 Tips to Lose Weight Fast, Even If You’re a True Lazybones

One of the most effective ways to lose weight is to reduce your portion sizes. You can easily fool your eyes and stomach.

Cut large pieces into small pieces and serve your food on smaller plates to make your portions look bigger than they really are.

1. Remove those foods that you can easily forget about.

11 Tips to Lose Weight Fast, Even If You’re a True Lazybones

Most people start adhering to a diet and soon abandon it. That’s why it’s important to approach a healthy diet with small steps. Eliminate those foods you can live without, but still end up eating trying to overcome boredom or stress.

If you can’t imagine your life without chocolate, don’t stop eating it. Reduce its amount slowly. Remember that small achievements help us move forward.

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